February 08, 2012

The Latin American Challenge: social cohesion and democracy

This book was written as a contribution to the New Agenda for Social Cohesion in Latin America, project of the Fundação Fernando Henrique Cardoso and CIEPLAN – Corporación de Estudios para Latinoamérica.

Based on the work of twenty renowned experts from the region, this ground-breaking book traces the new face of Latin America using clear, straightfoward language that is accessible to a general audience.

The current panorama in the region creates new opportunities and dangers for social cohesion in democracy and a revitalized critical approach is needed to arrive at a global interpretation of the social dynamics in Latin America.



– Introduction

– Chap. 1: Transformations of the social bond

– Chap. 2: Collective actors and formas of representation

– Chap. 3: Problems and promises: the informal economy, crime and corruption, norms and rights

– Chap. 4: State, Nation, and politics at the dawn of the 21st century

– General conclusions