September 11, 2023

Digitalisation and the job market

    The third season looks at the impact of digitalisation on the labour market in Brazil.

    Is the introduction of new technologies a threat to work? What is the gig economy? What is the impact of platforms? Are the labour regulations we have today in Brazil sufficient for this new scenario? What can we learn from the international experience?

    Six experts reflect on the past and present and share their ideas on how to reduce the inequalities that new technologies tend to produce.

    The video series has optional subtitles in Portuguese, English and Spanish that can be activated in the settings.

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    Technology and labour: will the future repeat the past?

    Did the introduction of new technologies in the past create or destroy jobs? How does the current technological cycle, led by artificial intelligence, differ from previous ones? What can we expect for the future of work? We brought together six experts to discuss these and other questions in the first episode of Worth Asking – Digitalisation and Work.

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    Work of the future: digitalisation and Brazil’s labour market

    Do platforms make labour precarious? What is their impact on the labour market in Brazil? How is digitalisation changing the way we work? To find out more, we invited five experts to the second episode of Vale a Pena Perguntar – Digitalisation and Work.

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    Protection beyond employment: strategies for a less unequal future

    How can new labour relations be protected? Are Brazil’s labour regulations sufficient? How can the welfare state be strengthened to cope with the changes underway? We spoke to three experts to understand these and other questions in the third episode of Vale a Pena Perguntar – Digitalisation and Work.

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    Impacts of GPT Chat

    In this instalment of the ‘Worth Asking’ series, Glauco Arbix explains how GPT Chat works and points out some of the challenges this technology poses.

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    How could Artificial Intelligence reduce inequalities?

    In this installment of the ‘Worth Asking’ series, Glauco Arbix reports on two innovative experiments that use Artificial Intelligence to improve worker productivity, rather than replacing human labour with robots, a prospect for reducing inequality in the labour market.

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    Models of the Welfare State

    In this instalment of the ‘Worth Asking’ series, Álvaro Comin explains the emergence of the Welfare State, presents the different models it can take on and reports on its characteristics in Brazil.