March 28, 2023

The relationship between State and religion

    The second season focuses on a fundamental issue for the direction of democracy in Brazil: the relationship between the State and religion.

    What is secularism? Is Brazil secular? What changes are taking place in Brazil’s religious sphere? Where are the boundaries between religion and the public interest? What are the characteristics of the religious right?

    These are some of the questions that permeate the four episodes of this season.

    The video series has optional subtitles in Portuguese, English and Spanish that can be activated in the settings.

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    Religions in Brazil: a changing field

    What religions are professed in Brazil? What are the impacts of the changes in the religious field? How does this affect religious minorities? We sought to bring together the knowledge and experiences of nine experts in this video, the first episode of the series Worth Asking About Religion and Democracy.

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    The Brazilian state and religion: a history

    How does the Brazilian state relate to religion? How has this relationship evolved in the different constitutions? How did the Evangelical Caucus come about? The answers to these and other questions are in the second episode of the series Worth Asking about Religion and Democracy, in which we tell this story through the knowledge and experiences of nine experts.

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    Bolsonarism: religion advances in the state

    Have relations between the Brazilian state and religion changed with Bolsonarism? What characterizes the religious right? What challenges does it pose for the state and Brazilian politics? In the third episode of Vale a Pena Perguntar on Religion and Democracy, we discuss these and other questions through the lens of six experts.

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    Secularism in Brazil: an open debate

    What is secularism? Is Brazil a secular state? What are the boundaries between religion and the public interest? We brought together six experts to debate these and other questions in the latest episode of the series Worth Asking about Religion and Democracy.

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    Alternatives to Promoting Religious Freedom

    In this installment of the “Vale a Pena Perguntar” series, Elizabeth Shakman Hurd starts from the premise that the promotion of religious freedom creates conflicts and analyzes the possible alternatives on which to base international relations.

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    Religious Freedom and International Relations

    In this installment of the “Vale a Pena Perguntar” series, Elizabeth Shakman Hurd explains the history of the term religious freedom and how its promotion as a universal value in international relations can create conflicts.

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    Religious Education in Brazil

    In this installment of the “Vale a Pena Perguntar” series, Elcio Cecchetti traces the history of religious education in Brazil, from colonization to the republic, highlighting the different constitutions up to the present day.

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    The relationship between State and religion in Latin America

    Nicolás Panotto analyzes the relationship between state and religion in Latin America, pointing out the existence of an imperfect secularism in the region.

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    Religion and neoconservatism

    Nicolás Panotto analyzes why neoconservatism is more likely to align itself with evangelical sectors.

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    Evangelicals and politics in Latin America

    In this installment of the series “Worth Asking”, Nicolás Panotto analyzes evangelical growth in Latin America, showing the main regions where it is taking place and its political implications.

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    Indigenous religiosities and territoriality

    Artionka Capiberibe explores how indigenous religiosities relate to territoriality, showing how shamanism permeates various spheres of indigenous social life and coexists with the presence of Christian religions.