April 01, 2024

Environment and Development

    The fourth season focuses on the relationship between environment and development.

    Brazil is a key country in the production and export of food, in the conservation of biodiversity and in the fight against climate change. The country’s future depends on its ability to provide solutions to these challenges, for ourselves and for the planet. It’s not enough to stop deforestation in the Amazon. We need to move further and faster towards a development model that allows the country to be part of the world, with greater respect for the environment.

    Are we ready?

    Five experts share their ideas on possible ways for Brazil to lead the global transition towards socially just and environmentally friendly development.

    The video series has optional subtitles in Portuguese, English and Spanish that can be activated in the settings.

    Capa do vídeo

    Environment and development in Brazil: do we have what it takes?

    How has the evolution of development models in Brazil impacted the environment? What is sustainable development? How do international agreements influence this agenda? Why are we protagonists in this process? We brought together four experts to discuss these and other questions in the first episode of Vale a Pena Perguntar – Environment and Development.

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    Can Brazilian agribusiness be more sustainable?

    How has farming evolved in Brazil? What allowed it to expand across the country? What is its relationship with climate change? Can agribusiness be more sustainable and efficient? What are the challenges in the Federal Congress? We invited five experts to discuss these and other issues in the second episode of Vale a Pena Perguntar – Environment and Development.

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    Climate crisis: what opportunities does the Amazon offer?

    Are we close to a point of no return? How can deforestation in the Amazon and Cerrado be controlled? How can the bioeconomy develop the Amazon region? What is the role of indigenous populations? Five experts explore these and other topics in the third episode of Vale a Pena Perguntar – Environment and Development.

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    Europe and China: do changes in attitude affect Brazil’s exports?

    How are the changing attitudes in China and Europe affecting Brazil’s exports? How do the current wars affect decarbonisation targets? What consequences does Brazil’s commitment to oil have on the climate crisis? In the fourth episode of Vale a Pena Perguntar – Environment and Development, these and other topics are discussed by five experts.

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    What is sustainable taxonomy?

    In this instalment of the series ‘Worth Asking – Environment and Development’, Rafael Dubeux talks about sustainable taxonomy, its importance, and the difference between the Brazilian proposal and that of other countries.

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    What is traceability in agriculture?

    In this instalment of the series ‘Worth Asking – Environment and Development’, Camila Dias de Sá discusses how traceability began to be implemented for phytosanitary reasons, and what the challenges are for a socio-environmental approach.

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    What role do the oceans play in climate change?

    In this instalment of the series ‘Worth Asking – Environment and Development’, Rachel Biderman warns of the imminent crisis in the oceans, coastal regions and mangroves, and explores their crucial relationship with the climate balance.