

The President F. H. Cardoso Collection comprises the following archives: Fernando Henrique Cardoso, Ruth Cardoso, Joaquim Ignacio Baptista Cardoso, Leônidas Cardoso, Paulo Renato Souza and Sergio Motta

The President F. H. Cardoso Collection comprises the following archives: Fernando Henrique Cardoso, Ruth Cardoso, Joaquim Ignacio Baptista Cardoso, Leônidas Cardoso, Paulo Renato Souza and Sergio Motta.

The generic term COLLECTION designates a set of archives and activities developed on the basis of the information contained within them. 

The Curatorship of the Collection and the company GRIFO Projetos Históricos e Editoriais established the principles orienting the treatment of the archives and the definition of the activities. 

The work is financed by funds raised through the Rouanet law (tax incentives for cultural projects) or other private sources, including IBM which donated the software and the Fundação BRAVA which promoted the dissemination of part of its content.

The following projects were approved by the Brazilian Ministry of Culture, (MinC) between 2006 and 2014:

- Preservation, cataloguing, digitalization and access to the President
Fernando Henrique Cardoso Collection (Pronac 04-5408 from 2006 to 2009)

- Technical treatment and dissemination of the archives of President Fernando Henrique Cardoso and the anthropologist Ruth Cardoso (Pronac 09-1546 from 2010 to 2014).

- Document folders of the President FHC Archive: description and dissemination (Pronac 14-8739) in progress.

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