
A Real Plan

The exhibition presents, in a playful and interactive way, the struggle to put an end in high, chronic and growing inflation and stabilize the economy, since the re-democratization of Brazil in 1984 until the 2002 presidential elections

A Real Plan - The History of the Stabilization of Brazil

The exhibition A real plan – the history of the stabilization of Brazil occupies part of the Fundação FHC facility and was undertaken with funding raised under the Ministry of Culture’s Rouanet Cultural Incentive law. The project bears the signature of Marcello Dantas, best known as art director of the Museu da Língua Portuguesa.

The exhibition reconstitutes a period of Brazilian history, spaning from the eve of the return to democracy in 1984, with the "Diretas-Já" movement, a campaign aimed at restoring direct election to the presidency, to the launching of the Real Plan ten years later, which finally brought inflation under control after a series of ill-fated stabilization plans. By means of an illustrated chronology the exibition provides information on the main events in this period and in an entertaining way enables the visitor to feel how the limitations and disruptions caused by inflation of more than 30% a month affected the Brazilian people, and how the stabilization of the currency changed this situation.

Two installations enable visitors to experience this change from the instability of the period of high inflation to the stability of the post-real period. In one, the visitors see themselves inside a house in which everything, from the walls to the furniture, is unstable; in the other, they see a panel in which normal people list their projects. In addition, visitors may also read newspaper articles from this period and watch videos with interviews given by those responsible for the Real Plan and from members of the two FHC governments.

The exhibition also contains a number of documents. Computer terminals provide access to the Telecommunications Memory portal which contains texts, photographs and audiovisual records portraying the privatization of the Telebrás system. There are also displays of pieces from the Collection, including letters and official presents.

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